Mother’s Day – May 13th, 2018

Mother’s Day is typically a celebration for our Mothers. Our children gift us with trinkets, flowers, chocolates and handmade treasures to let us know that they are thankful for the love we’ve shared.  With our family’s ordeal behind us, the approaching Mother’s Day brought with it a very different perspective on my part.  More than anything, I wanted to celebrate the gift of my children and all the rewards and blessings they’ve unknowingly bestowed on me every day since their birth.

The first blessing was the overwhelming sensation of love and wonder a mother feels when her newborn is placed in her arms.

Then the delight and awe of watching each stage of growth … waiting for that first smile, the first giggle and laugh, the first words and the incomparable feeling of the first time that chubby little hand reaches out to touch the face of Mom. And when I thought nothing could be more sublime, the pleasure and elation I felt when they took their first steps.

Then the mingling of pride and pain of the first day of school and the first date reminded me of how far we had come. And oh, not to forget the recent passing of their drivers test!

What fun and amazement I’ve had over the years watching their excitement at Christmas and Easter, going to birthday parties and celebrating their own.  Each winning ribbons at sports days is etched in my heart alongside the myriad of trophies from athletics, music and school competitions.

Motherhood has given me many gifts, but none more profound than the unconditional love that I’ve felt as a parent. Somehow, pushing through fatigue and illness, through impatience and the innumerable small burdens of daily life left me with an even deeper commitment to these small souls.  I knew that it was my unique role as “Mother” that gave me—and only me—the ability to kiss away their hurts, chase away their bad dreams, comfort them through tears and ease every sadness.  Most importantly, providing answers to their every question with love and honesty.

Truly, it is in giving that we receive.  In all that I’ve given as a mother, I received in return a love that swells my heart this Mother’s Day.  So this year along with a gift lovingly prepared for me by my two children, I will celebrate them on Mother’s Day for all that they have given me and give thanks as I am a richer, happier person for having been their mother.

I received my gift early this year and boy did I get spoiled with a pair of Fluffy Peruvian Alpaca slippers available at DaVinci’s Home, my favorite Skinceuticals skincare serum from The Coliseum MediClinic and tickets this Saturday to Shania Twain.

A very Happy Mother’s Day!

2 thoughts on “Mother’s Day – May 13th, 2018

  1. This is beautiful. And you are so right…Mother’s Daybis a good reminder of how lucky we are to love and be love so unconditionally by our ever growing babies. Happy Mother’s Day to one amazing Mom! Lucky kids! Lucky you! ❤️❤️❤️

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