Don’t you just love those adorable, old-fashioned paper flag straws that remind you of our childhood? They also add that poignant touch of nostalgia to a festive celebration.
An added benefit is the excitement of finding an easy and effective D-I-Y project that doesn’t require much time or material. These endearing little flags are just the ticket for the simple, effective, and speedy D-I-Y project. Furthermore, you’ll be proficient in a few Microsoft quick tips in the process!
Paper straws
Glue stick
Step 1: In Microsoft Word, from the Insert tab, click on “shapes”. Select a rectangle and elongate the shape to an approximate size of 5″ x 3/4″. Then choose the ends of your flag. In this case, I used the “chevron” from the “block arrow” section. You will need one for each end. Remember to turn the chevron around to face the correct direction.
Step 2: Click on the “Format” tab and ensure that you have chosen “bring to front” for the rectangle. Staying in the format tab, hover in the shape styles subsection select “shape fill” and “pattern” to make your choice of pattern and color. Do this for all three shapes.
Step 3: Highlight your rectangle and then, still in the format tab, select “shape outline” and “no outline.” Leave the outline on the ends as it helps when cutting out the flag.
Step 4: Next, you may want to add text. Go back to your “insert” menu, click “text box,” and “draw text box.” Then draw the size of your box. In the “Format” menu while the text box is highlighted, select “change shape” and make your choice. In this case, I chose an oval. Continue in the same tab and define the outline of the text box by clicking on “shape outline,” and choose the weight of the outline and colour. Now you’re ready to add your text.
Step 5: Print the flags, cut them out, and fold the flag in half. Put glue on the inside of one half of the flag, then place a straw on the center fold. Now fold over so that each end matches up to the other.
Should you prefer to avoid the set-up, please feel free to contact me and I’ll be happy to forward you my file.